Frequently Asked Questions - Baby Monitors
- VTech RM5756HD / RM5766HD / RM7756HD / RM7766HD models - firmware updates explained
- The information below relates to VTech models RM5756HD / RM5766HD / RM7756HD / RM7766HD only.
- From time to time firmware updates for your VTech RM HD baby monitor will be released to improve your user experience. It is important that you ensure your unit is kept up to date to prevent operating issues.
- The firmware updates are delivered to your VTech RM HD baby monitor automatically, provided the unit is setup and operating in Router Mode (connected to the internet via your home WiFi network).
- As with updates to any devices over the internet (such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops etc.) your VTech RM HD makes contact with the update server periodically to check if updates are available.
- NOTE: VTech strongly recommends that you set your unit up into Router Mode as soon as possible after purchase and leave it connected in this mode for at least 3-4 days to ensure the unit downloads any applicable updates. Once you have confirmed that your unit is running the latest firmware versions as outlined below then feel free to change to the operating mode that best suits your needs.
- If updates are available for your VTech RM HD baby monitor parent unit, the update will download and you will receive a Restart message on the parent unit display. Restart the parent unit to complete installation of the update.
- If updates are available for your VTech RM HD baby monitor baby unit (camera), the update will download automatically to the baby unit (camera) and no further action is required by you.
- You can check the firmware versions of your RM HD model parent unit and baby unit (camera) by pressing MENU then ZOOM key then MENU on the parent unit.
- The current and latest versions of firmware are as follows;
- RM5756HD / RM5766HD / RM7756HD / RM7766HD parent unit =
- NOTE: If your RM5756HD / RM5766HD / RM7756HD / RM7766HD parent unit shows any version - or earlier - it has not updated. Switch your unit to Router Mode and leave until update/s arrive.
- RM5756HD / RM5766HD / RM7756HD / RM7766HD baby unit (camera) =
- NOTE: If your RM5756HD / RM5766HD / RM7756HD / RM7766HD baby unit (camera) shows any version - or earlier - it has not updated. Switch your unit to Router Mode and leave until update/s arrive.
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- VTech RM2751 model - firmware updates explained
- The information below relates to VTech model RM2751 only.
- From time to time firmware updates for your VTech RM2751 baby monitor will be released to improve your user experience. It is important that you ensure your unit is kept up to date to prevent operating issues.
- The firmware updates are delivered to your VTech RM2751 baby monitor automatically, provided the unit is setup and operating in Router Mode (connected to the internet via your home WiFi network).
- As with updates to any devices over the internet (such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops etc.) your VTech RM2751 makes contact with the update server periodically to check if updates are available
- NOTE: VTech strongly recommends that you set your unit up into Router Mode as soon as possible after purchase and leave it connected in this mode for at least 3-4 days to ensure the unit downloads any applicable updates. Once you have confirmed that your unit is running the latest firmware versions as outlined below then feel free to change to the operating mode that best suits your needs.
- If updates are available for your VTech RM2751 baby monitor parent unit, the update will download and you will receive a Restart message on the parent unit display. Restart the parent unit to complete installation of the update.
- If updates are available for your VTech RM2751 baby monitor baby unit (camera), the update will download automatically to the baby unit (camera) and no further action is required by you.
- You can check the firmware versions of your RM2751 model parent unit and baby unit (camera) by pressing MENU, scroll acros to SETTINGS, press MENU, scroll across ?, press MENU, scroll across to i, press MENU
- The current and latest versions of firmware are as follows;
- RM2751 parent unit =
- NOTE: If your RM2751 parent unit shows any version - or earlier - it has not updated. Switch your unit to Router Mode and leave until update/s arrive.
- RM2751 baby unit (camera) =
- NOTE: If your RM2751 baby unit (camera) shows any version - or earlier - it has not updated. Switch your unit to Router Mode and leave until update/s arrive.
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- VTech RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD / RM714HD / RM724HD models - firmware updates explained
- The information below relates to VTech models RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD / RM714HD / RM724HD only.
- From time to time firmware updates for your VTech RM HD baby monitor will be released to improve your user experience. It is important that you ensure your unit is kept up to date to prevent operating issues.
- The firmware updates are delivered to your VTech RM HD baby monitor automatically, provided the unit is setup and operating in Router Mode (connected to the internet via your home WiFi network).
- As with updates to any devices over the internet (such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops etc.) your VTech RM HD makes contact with the update server periodically to check if updates are available.
- NOTE: VTech strongly recommends that you set your unit up into Router Mode as soon as possible after purchase and leave it connected in this mode for at least 3-4 days to ensure the unit downloads any applicable updates. Once you have confirmed that your unit is running the latest firmware versions as outlined below then feel free to change to the operating mode that best suits your needs.
- If updates are available for your VTech RM HD baby monitor parent unit, the update will download and you will receive a Restart message on the parent unit display. Restart the parent unit to complete installation of the update.
- If updates are available for your VTech RM HD baby monitor baby unit (camera), the update will download automatically to the baby unit (camera) and no further action is required by you.
- You can check the firmware versions of your RM HD model parent unit and baby unit (camera) by pressing MENU then ZOOM key on the parent unit.
- The current and latest versions of firmware are as follows;
- RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD parent unit =
- NOTE: If your RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD parent unit shows any version - or earlier - it has not updated. Switch your unit to Router Mode and leave until update/s arrive.
- RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD baby unit (camera) = Version 1 is, Version 2 is or Version 3 is - which version depends on when your unit was manufactured.
- NOTE: If your RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD baby unit (camera) shows any firmware version - either or earlier for Version 1, or earlier for Version 2, or or earlier for Version 3 - it has not updated. Switch your unit to Router Mode and leave until update/s arrive.
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- VTech RMxxxxHD connectivity explained

- IMPORTANT NOTE: Ensure that your unit is updated with the latest firmware updates. For the parent unit these are notified automatically as they become available provided the parent unit is connected to the home WiFi network. For the baby unit/s these are downloaded automatically as they become available provided the baby unit/s are connected to the home WiFi network.
- NOTE: VTech strongly recommends that you set your unit up into Router mode as soon as possible after purchase and leave it connected in this mode for at least 3-4 days to ensure the unit downloads any applicable updates. Once you have confirmed that your unit is running the latest firmware versions as outlined above then feel free to change to the operating mode that best suits your needs, although VTech recommends operating in Router mode to ensre your unit stays up to date.
- Your VTech RM HD model baby monitor can work in either Direct WiFi mode or Router mode.
- The default operating mode is Direct WiFi mode where the parent unit and baby unit communicate directly together.
- To use the Remote Access feature of your baby monitor you must establish Router mode via the Settings > Configure Wi-Fi option on the parent unit menu.
- Once Router mode is established your baby monitor can then be operated for internal monitoring in either Direct WiFi or Router mode without affecting the Remote Access, although VTech recommends operating in Router mode for more stable connectivity and to ensure your unit stays up to date.
- For access inside the home, an internet service is not necessary i.e. if the internet service is unavailable, provided either Direct WiFi or Router modes can be accessed, the RM will continue to work inside the home.
- For Remote Access from a mobile device to the baby unit using the VTech app there must be an internet service available on both the mobile device and where the camera is located.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: As your VTech RM HD model baby monitor is a WiFi enabled device they are driven by the WiFi signals in the house - if the link between parent unit and baby unit on the mode in use is lost, it may take between 1-5 minutes to re-connect as parent unit and baby unit need to re-establish a link. (no different to how a pc/laptop/Smart TV needs to re-connect to WiFi when there's an issue)
- IMPORTANT NOTE: VTech recommends operating in Router mode for more stable connectivity and to ensure your unit stays up to date.
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- My VTech RM HD WiFi enabled baby monitor will not pair the camera? (For models RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM901HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD)
- If the camera pairing process is unsuccessful check the following;
- 1) Ensure parent unit is operating in Direct WiFi mode by turning off PU WiFi connection via "Settings > Parent Unit Wi-Fi Connection"
- 2) Ensure the antenna on the parent unit is in the upright position
- 3) Ensure when you press the PAIR button on the camera (baby unit) you hold it down until beep is heard THEN "ready to start pairing" is heard AND the status light on the camera (baby unit) starts flashing orange/green. Only when all 3 events have occurred has camera (baby unit) entered pairing mode and PAIR button can be released.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Ensure that your unit is updated with the latest firmware updates. For the parent unit these are notified automatically as they become available provided the parent unit is connected to the home WiFi network. For the baby unit/s these are downloaded automatically as they become available provided the baby unit/s are connected to the home WiFi network.
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- Re-set process for connectivity problems (For models RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM901HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD)
- As these VTech monitors are Wi-Fi enabled devices, from time to time there may be issues created by factors that affect Wi-Fi connectivity within the home, that require this re-set process to get the device back to normal operation.
- Up to date firmware is also critical to the operation of these models. To receive updates the monitor must be configured and connected to the Wi-Fi network (Router mode). To confirm what the latest firmware versions are go to;
- Step 1 – remove ALL cameras from MyVTech Baby app (if added to app)
- Step 2 – remove ALL cameras from parent unit via MENU > Settings > Remove baby unit
- Step 3 – reset ALL cameras
- Press and hold [pair] key until voice prompt "ready to start pairing"
- Release [pair] key
- Press [pair] key repeatedly until beep is heard then wait for 2nd beep
- Power camera off and leave powered off
- Step 4 – reset parent unit
- In immediate quick succession;
- Press [MENU]
- Press [up arrow]
- Press [down arrow]
- Press [down arrow]
- Press [up arrow]
- Press [TALK] – this should bring up blue screen with “Press OK to restore to factory defaults and reset.”
- NOTE: if this message does not appear and parent unit simply reverts to normal screen the key sequence was not pressed correctly or quickly enough – continue trying until this restore message appears
- Press [MENU] to confirm and wait until parent unit screen re-starts
- Power parent unit off
- Step 5 – re-pair cameras to parent unit
- Power parent unit on and pair camera screen will appear
- Power camera on – Status light will appear orange - wait for Status light to go out
- Press and hold [pair] key until beep is heard and camera states “Ready to start pairing” – Status light will flash between orange and green
- Press [MENU] on parent unit – parent unit searches for visible devices
- When camera found press [MENU] and camera will pair after parent unit completes pairing process
- Repeat this process from point 2 (Power camera on…..) for 2nd camera if there is one.
- Step 6 – re-configure Wi-Fi connection (will allow firmware updates to come through to parent unit and cameras, will allow connection of cameras to MyVTech Baby app) via MENU > Settings > Configure Wi-Fi
- Step 7 – re-add cameras to MyVTech Baby app (if desired)
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- My VTech RM HD WiFi baby monitor loses connection? (For models RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM901HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD)
- IMPORTANT NOTE: ensure that your unit is updated with the latest software and firmware updates. For the parent unit these are notified automatically as they become available provided the parent unit is connected to the home WiFi network. For the baby unit/s these are downloaded automatically as they become available provided the baby unit/s are connected to the home WiFi network.
- Your VTech RM HD WiFi baby monitor may lose connection if;
- 1) the WiFi signal is not strong enough to constantly stream High Definition (HD) video between the parent unit and baby unit. To address this issue;
- i) ensure the antenna on the parent unit is raised to the upright position
- ii) ensure the WiFi signal indicators on the parent unit for each paired camera is showing a strong connection. If it is not then there may be a source of WiFi interference causing this issue or the parent unit and baby unit may be operating too far apart.
- iii) if any of the signal indicators on the parent unit against a camera are red then connection has been lost. Power the affected camera off for 30 seconds then power back on. It then may take a couple of minutes for the camera to re-establish connection.
- 2) the WiFi channel your VTech RM HD baby monitor is too congested to constantly stream High Definition (HD) video between the parent unit and baby unit.
- Your VTech RM HD WiFi baby monitor uses available WiFi channels within your home network to constantly stream High Definition (HD) video between the parent unit and baby unit.
- For HD video to stream constantly requires a relatively congestion free WiFi channel. If your parent unit displays a message stating to move your parent unit / baby unit closer together or closer to the router, it may be as a result of congestion on the WiFi channel your baby monitor is using.
- To overcome this issue the easiest way is to get your baby monitor operating via a different WiFi channel. To do this;
- i) Power off both the parent unit and baby unit of your baby monitor
- ii) Power your WiFi router off, leave for 30 seconds then power back on
- iii) Power on both the parent unit and baby unit of your baby monitor
- iv) Re-establish the link between parent unit and baby unit in Router Mode to access a different WiFi channel. At this point you may choose to switch and test the unit in Direct WiFi Mode (by turning Parent Unit Wi-Fi Connection setting off).
- NOTE: this should overcome most connectivity issues you may experience with your VTech RM HD baby monitor however should the WiFi channel again become congested this process may need to be repeated as required.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: As your VTech RM HD model baby monitor is a WiFi enabled device they are driven by the WiFi signals in the house - when any dropout/congestion occurs that prevents the parent unit and baby unit communicating together it can take anywhere between 1 & 5 minutes for re-connection to occur in either Direct WiFi or Router mode (no different to how a pc/laptop/Smart TV needs to re-connect to WiFi when there's an issue)
- IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are experiencing connection problems when your baby monitor is operating in Router mode you should manually switch to Direct WiFi mode for internal monitoring between parent unit and baby unit. You can do this by turning off the parent unit WiFi connection via the Settings > Parent Unit Wi-Fi Connection option on the parent unit menu. This will not affect remote access between baby unit and the VTech app.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: ensure that your unit is updated with the latest software and firmware updates. For the parent unit these are notified automatically as they become available provided the parent unit is connected to the home WiFi network. For the baby unit/s these are downloaded automatically as they become available provided the baby unit/s are connected to the home WiFi network.
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- My VTech RM WiFi enabled baby monitor can not locate my WiFi network? (For all RM and RM HD models)
- IMPORTANT NOTE: ensure that your unit is updated with the latest software and firmware updates. These are notified to the parent unit automatically as they become available provided the parent unit is connected to WiFi network.
- There are a number of reasons why your network may not be visible to your VTech monitor. Corrective actions, in order of priority, are as follows;
- 1) RM models won’t be able to find the wireless network if it’s set in 5GHz only mode. Check the documentation that came with the modem/router, or check with the supplier/manufacturer, to verify that it's not being used in 5GHz only mode, and how to switch to dual mode (2.4GHz and 5GHz)
- Notes on this point:
- - RM models use 2.4GHz WiFi so will only detect WiFi networks transmitting 2.4GHz
- - RM models will only detect password protected 2.4GHz WiFi networks. If the WiFi network is not password protected it will not appear in the RM list of available WiFi networks.
- - Modems/routers with both 2.4GHz and 5GHz options are capable of dual mode i.e. 2.4GHz and 5GHz modes running concurrently
- - Some NBN providers advise customers to use 5GHz as it may deliver best speed results for internet access. Hence why modem/router may be set to 5GHz mode only. This will need to be changed for your RM unit to work. Check the documentation that came with the modem/router, or check with the supplier/manufacturer, how to correct this.
- - Some modems/routers operate "Wi-Fi Band Steering" which connects devices to either 2.4GHz or 5GHz for optimal internet performance. This option needs to be disabled to ensure the 2.4GHz network is always visible. Check the documentation that came with the modem/router, or check with the supplier/manufacturer, how to correct this.
- 2) Your wireless network may be hidden, meaning that the modem/router is not broadcasting a name (also known as the SSID). Check the documentation that came with the modem/router, or check with the supplier/manufacturer, how to correct this.
- 3) Ensure that the modem/router is not broadcasting a name (also known as the SSID) with spaces or special characters. Check the documentation that came with the modem/router, or check with the supplier/manufacturer, how to correct this.
- 4) Ensure that your modem/router has DHCP enabled. This allows it to provide the necessary IP address to the camera (Static IP addresses will not work). Check the documentation that came with the modem/router, or check with the supplier/manufacturer, how to correct this.
- 5) Ensure your modem/router does not have any devices listed as blocked, including your camera. It may be that your modem/router settings only allow identified devices to connect OR your modem/router only allows a limited number of devices to connect. Check the documentation that came with the modem/router, or check with the supplier/manufacturer, how to correct this.
- 6) Test your RM unit using a password protected mobile phone hotspot. If the RM can locate the mobile hotspot, successfully connect to the hotspot and pair the camera, then the issue is with the WiFi network.
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- My VTech RM WiFi enabled baby monitor locates but will not connect to my WiFi network? (For all RM and RM HD models)
- The password of your WiFi network can not contain any spaces or special characters. Check the documentation that came with the modem/router, or check with the supplier/manufacturer, how to change this.
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- Changing the WiFi network of your VTech RM remote access baby monitor? (For all RM and RM HD models)
- 1) Before changing the WiFi network your VTech Remote Access baby monitor uses be sure to first delete any paired camera/s from the MyVTech Baby app.
- 2) Once you have deleted the camera/s from the MyVTech Baby app you can change the WiFi network that your baby monitor connects to via the Settings > Configure Wi-Fi option on the parent unit menu
- 3) Once you have established parent unit and camera connection on the new WiFi network then you can pair the camera/s back to the MyVTech Baby app
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- My VTech RM WiFi enabled baby monitor drops offline or has delayed response at times? (For all RM and RM HD models)
- IMPORTANT NOTE: ensure that your unit is updated with the latest software and firmware updates. For the parent unit these are notified automatically as they become available provided the parent unit is connected to the home WiFi network. For the baby unit/s these are downloaded automatically as they become available provided the baby unit/s are connected to the home WiFi network.
- This occurs when your network bandwidth/connectivity is weak or intermittent.
- 1) Ensure the antenna on your parent unit is upright to maximise the WiFi range.
- 2) Check your WiFi signal strength on your mobile device or parent unit. If your signal is poor, move to a location where your signal is increased. It may be necessary to relocate your camera or WiFi router for better signal strength.
- 3) Interference from other WiFi networks, antennas, microwaves, radio sources or other WiFi enabled devices may affect the camera connection. Make sure your camera and parent unit are operating as far away from these as possible (at least 1-2 metres).
- 4) Some modems/routers operate "Wi-Fi Band Steering" which connects devices to either 2.4GHz or 5GHz for optimal internet performance. This option needs to be disabled to ensure the 2.4GHz network is always visible. Check the documentation that came with the modem/router, or check with the supplier/manufacturer, how to correct this.
- 5) Review the number of services/devices, for example: Spotify, Netflix, WiFi Speakers, Online Gaming, laptops, tablets etc, accessing the WiFi network at any time. Note that a WiFi network has a limited amount of bandwidth, and each device accessing the WiFi network reduces bandwidth availability in accordance to the data it requires. For example streaming live video such as the image from the RM camera will require more bandwidth than streaming a music file from a music streaming service such as Spotify.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: As your VTech RM model baby monitor is a WiFi enabled device they are driven by the WiFi signals in the house - when any dropout/congestion occurs that prevents the parent unit and baby unit communicating together it can take anywhere between 1 & 5 minutes for re-connection to occur in either Direct WiFi or Router mode (no different to how a pc/laptop/Smart TV needs to re-connect to WiFi when there's an issue)
- IMPORTANT NOTE (for models RM5754HD / RM5764HD / RM901HD / RM7754HD / RM7764HD only): If you are experiencing connection problems when your baby monitor is operating in Router mode you should manually switch to Direct WiFi mode for internal monitoring between parent unit and baby unit. You can do this by turning off the parent unit WiFi connection via the Settings > Parent Unit Wi-Fi Connection option on the parent unit menu. This will not affect remote access between baby unit and the VTech app.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: ensure that your unit is updated with the latest software and firmware updates. For the parent unit these are notified automatically as they become available provided the parent unit is connected to the home WiFi network. For the baby unit/s these are downloaded automatically as they become available provided the baby unit/s are connected to the home WiFi network.
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- What app do I need for my VTech RM model baby monitor? (For all RM and RM HD models)
- Search for "MyVTech Baby" in the Android Play Store or Apple App Store.
- MyVTech Baby Pro - use this app for RM5752, RM5762, RM5754HD, RM5764HD, RM7754HD, RM7764HD, RM901HD, RM2751, RM9751 and GENERATION 1 VERSIONS OF RM5756HD, RM5766HD, RM7756HD, RM7766HD
- MyVTech Baby Plus - use this app for RM5754HDV2, RM5764HDV2, RM7754HDV2, RM7764HDV2, and GENERATION 2 VERSIONS (labelled V2 on the back of parent unit/bottom of baby unit) OF RM5756HD, RM5766HD, RM7756HD, RM7766HD
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- The MyVTech Baby app is showing the cameras as being offline but they are streaming video to the parent unit. (For all RM and RM HD models)
- The cameras streaming to the app are reliant on the internet connectivity in both your home and on your mobile device. Corrective actions, in order of priority, are as follows;
- 1) Ensure your WiFi internet service within your home is working.
- 2) Make sure that the pie shaped WiFi symbol next to each camera on the parent unit is on and white. If the symbol does not appear then you need to establish this connection by going to Settings > Configure Wi-Fi on your parent unit. If the symbol is visible but is red then there is no connection to the home WiFi network and the camera will not be visibile on the app.
- NOTE: If you have an RM HD model your camera/s may still be streaming video to your parent unit in Direct WiFi mode, but without the white pie shaped WiFi symbol next to each camera they will not be visibile to the app.
- 3) Make sure mobile data (or WiFi with internet connection) is turned on on the mobile device the app is installed on and that good internet connectivity is available.
- 4) Try refreshing the app screen by dragging your finger down in the main app screen
- 5) Log out of the app and log back into the app
- 6) Remove the camera from the app, power the camera off for 30 seconds then on, then re-pair camera to the app
- 7) Remove the camera from the app, delete the app and re-install, power the camera off for 30 seconds then on, re-pair camera to the app.
- 8) Power parent unit and camera off for 30 seconds then on. Remove the camera from the app, reset the WiFi modem, re-pair parent unit and camera to WiFi network, delete the app and re-install, then re-pair camera to the app.
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- VTech RM5752 / RM5762 connectivity explained

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- My VTech RM WiFi enabled baby monitor will not pair the camera? (For RM5752 and RM5762)
- If the camera pairing process is unsuccessful check the following;
- 1) Check through all items as per "My VTech WiFi enabled baby monitor can not locate my WiFi network?" above. Whilst the parent unit may have located the WiFi network one of these issues may be preventing the camera from transmitting a signal via your WiFi network.
- 2) Ensure the antenna on the parent unit is in the upright position
- 3) Ensure when you press the PAIR button on the camera (baby unit) you hold it down until beep is heard, "ready to start pairing" is heard AND the orange/blue status lights on the camera (baby unit) are flashing. Only when all 3 events have occurred has camera (baby unit) entered pairing mode and PAIR button can be released.
- 3) Ensure both the parent unit and camera are within WiFi range of your modem/router
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- RM5752 / RM5762 - re-connecting to WiFi network after unit powered off
- Whilst the parent unit and camera/s should in theory re-connect to WiFi after power to either has been turned off, you may need to;
- a) re-connect to the WiFi network, and/or
- b) re-pair the camera to the parent unit
- The above may be neccessary if;
- 1) the WiFi network does not allow an auto re-connect after a device has been disconnected
- 2) the parent unit and/or camera has lost WiFi connection to the network
- 3) changes have been made to the WiFi network
- 4) a remote update to the modem/router has been done by the service provider
- When powering parent unit off then on, if your parent unit connects to your WiFi network but takes you to the "Setup Camera Network", OR if you have changed the WiFi network that your RM unit is using but the parent unit continues to try to connect to a previous WiFi network when powering off then on please follow the below steps in order;
- NOTE: prior to commencing this process please ensure the battery is installed in the parent unit and it is fully charged.
- 1) remove the camera from the VTech app (if camera has already been paired to the VTech app)
- 2) re-pair the camera to the parent unit using the new WiFi network and make sure video is streaming from camera to parent unit. Test by accessing features of the camera from the parent unit such as zoom, lullabies etc.
- 3) re-pair the camera to the VTech app - you should now have video streaming from camera to both parent unit and VTech app. Test by accessing features of the camera from both the parent unit and the app such as zoom, lullabies etc.
- 4) test by turning parent unit off then on
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- The VTech app is not locating my RM5752 / RM5762 camera
- 1) Make sure that the camera is streaming video to the parent unit.
- 2) To pair a VTech RM5752 / RM5762 model camera to your VTech app, you must have the mobile device your VTech app is located on connected to the same WiFi network as your VTech RM camera
- 3) Some WiFi networks operate on Dual Mode (have both 2.4GHz and 5GHz options available). Your VTech RM camera operates on the 2.4GHz option - your mobile device must also be connected to the 2.4GHz option in order to be able to locate the VTech RM camera.
- 4) Once you have confirmed that your mobile device WiFi connection is set up as above, if the VTech app is still unable to locate the VTech RM camera then reset the camera by;
1. Press and hold pair button on the camera until you hear "ready to start pairing"
2. Press the pair button several times (normally about 5 times) until you hear a beep tone. The camera will start resetting.
3. You will hear another beep tone before the camera starts to reboot.
4. After camera has finished its reboot, re-pair it with the parent unit and VTech app again.
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- Will my VTech RM WiFi enabled baby monitor work with a WiFi repeater/range extender? (For all RM and RM HD models)
- VTech RM WiFi enabled monitors can be paired with either the main home WiFi device OR a WiFi range extender/repeater but not both i.e. unit will not hand over from one WiFi system to the other.
- If you have a WiFi range extender/repeater in your premises that delivers optimal WiFi range throughout the house then you can choose to pair the RM unit with this instead of the main WiFi device.
- Note that all of the same criteria apply to pairing via a WiFi range extender/repeater as applies to pairing to the main WiFi device.
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- My VTech RM baby monitor intermittently pans & tilts automatically
- This is perfectly normal. It may occur either when the camera re-connects to the parent unit after a loss of signal, or the camera power is turned off then on. This is the camera simply re-calibrating it's connection and streaming to the parent unit.
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- Video recording/Image snapshot on the VTech RM model baby monitors
- You can record video or take an image snapshot from within the MyVTech Baby HD app. As the video/snapshot from within the app saves to your smartphone/tablet memory, the maximum length of a video, or the number of images you can take, is determined by the amount of storage space available on the smartphone/tablet.
- NOTE: The video recording feature of the app is not to be confused with the Motion Detection recording feature available on the RM5754HD/RM5764HD/RM7754HD/RM7764HD models. The Motion Detection recording feature, when turned on, will record a 10 second clip after motion is detected and save this to the onboard memory of the camera. These video clips can only be viewed/deleted via the Event section of the MyVTech Baby HD app. A maximum of 20 x 10 second clips can be stored onboard the camera.
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- There is a pause during playback of lullabies and/or soothing sounds?
- It is perfectly normal when playing either lullabies or soothing sounds for there to be a brief pause when a particular lullaby or soothing sound ends before it commences playing again (or moves on to the next lullaby if the Play All option is selected).
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- My VTech RM baby monitor lullabies will not turn off?
- After commencing playing lullabies, if the parent unit and baby unit link drops, even momentarily, you will not be able to turn the lullabies off using the parent unit. Simply go to the VTech app on your mobile device and turn the lullabies off from there.
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- VTech RM WiFi enabled baby monitors security explained
- 1) Ensure the Wi-Fi network is secure as this is the most common hacking point - ensure the modem/router has a unique wireless network name and strong password and is encrypted using “WPA2-PSK with AES”. Do not use default modem/router login name and password. Refer to the modem/router manufacturer for more details on how to do this.
- 2) The data (video) transmitted from the VTech camera is encrypted using AES-128 bit encryption.
- 3) The VTech RM cameras can only be viewed by a VTech app account to which they have been paired. To pair a VTech RM camera to the VTech app the user must have their mobile device connected to the same WiFi network the camera is using and must have access to the VTech RM parent unit to either retrieve the camera's security code OR scan the QR code for connecting the camera to a mobile device.
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- How secure is my VTech video baby monitor?
- VTech video baby monitors (excpet VTech RM & VM models which use a WiFi network to communicate) use a technology known as Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS). This technology is a highly secure, closed system that is incapable of being hacked by an external monitoring device as the frequently changing, random channel selection is known only to the sender and receiver (parent unit and baby unit of the baby monitor).
- VTech video baby monitors are also only technically capable of having a single parent unit (video display unit) paired to a baby unit. Another user with the same model parent unit cannot, deliberately or accidentally, connect up to and view/hear another user’s baby unit that is not coded to belong to their parent unit.
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- What range (distance) can I expect from a VTech baby monitor?
- VTech BM model baby monitors have up to 300m range outdoors (clear line of sight between parent unit and baby unit) and 50m indoors.
- VTech RM5752, RM5762 and VM9900 model range is dependent on WiFi signal strength in the operating environment as both parent unit and baby unit (camera) talk through the home WiFi network.
- VTech RM5754HD, RM5764HD, RM7754HD and RM7764HD feature both Direct WiFi mode and Router mode. In Direct WiFi mode they have up to 100m range outdoors (clear line of sight between parent unit and baby unit) and 15m indoors. In Router mode range is dependent on WiFi signal strength in the operating environment as both parent unit and baby unit (camera) talk through the home WiFi network when operating in this mode.
- NOTE: RM5754HD, RM5764HD, RM7754HD and RM7764HD models will auto switch between Direct WiFi and Router modes to optimise video streaming and range bteween parent unit and baby unit (camera).
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- How long does the battery last on a VTech baby monitor?
- Please refer to the main baby monitor model product listing for the battery life of your model.
- NOTE: Ensure the battery is fully charged to achieve maximum monitoring time. Depending on model the battery will need to be charged for 8-12 hours.
- NOTE: The monitoring time achieved is dependant on the settings used on the parent unit. The higher the level of settings used, the less monitoring time will be achieved from a fully charged battery. All monitoring times are based on the default settings of the unit - level 3 audio, level 3 sensitivity (where relevant) and level 3 screen brightness (where relevant).
- NOTE: Rechargeable batteries may slowly degrade over time. As this occurs you may find that your rechargeable battery delivers a reduced active monitoring time.
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- How many cameras can be paired to my VTech video baby monitor?
- Please refer to the main baby monitor model product listing to find out how many cameras you can pair to a particular VTech model.
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- What model additional cameras can I pair to my VTech baby monitor?
- Only those additonal cameras designed specifically for your VTech baby monitor can be paired to it. Cameras are not interchangeable between different models.
- Examples; BM5100-BEAR is only compatible with additional camera BM5110-BEAR, BM5500-OWL is only compatible with additional camera BM5510-OWL
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- The screen of my VTech video baby monitor goes dim
- Most VTech video baby monitor parent units have an in-built DIM mode. This is to save battery power whilst the parent unit is not in use.
- After approximately 10 minutes of inactivity the parent unit display will dim - this is perfectly normal. Pressing any key will return the parent unit display to the pre-set brightness level.
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- My VTech baby monitor parent unit will not turn on
- 1) Ensure that you press and hold the POWER button on the parent unit until the Welcome Screen appears.
- 2) Check that when the power cable is connected to the parent unit the RED battery charging LED is lit up to show battery is charging. If the battery charging LED does not light up contact customer support as either the power cable or battery may be faulty.
- If after doing this parent unit still does not turn on;
- For models that have a removable battery pack;
- 1) Disconnect the battery pack and power cable from the parent unit and leave unplugged for 10 minutes
- 2) Re-connect the battery and power cable to the parent unit
- 3) If necessary turn the parent unit back on by pressing and holding the POWER button until the Welcome Screen appears
- For models that have a built-in (non-removable) battery pack;
- 1) Leave parent unit connected to power
- 2) Hold down the POWER button on parent unit and insert a pin into the RESET hole at the back of the parent unit - and hold both in this position for 10 seconds
- 3) Release POWER button and remove pin from RESET hole
- 4) If necessary switch turn the parent unit back on by pressing and holding the POWER button until the Welcome Screen appears
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- My VTech video monitor is showing "No Link to CAM" on this display?
- Please follow the below instructions;
- 1) Turn off both the parent and baby units
- 2) Turn on the parent unit and wait until the display shows the "No Link to CAM" message
- 3) Immediately turn on the baby unit
- 4) After a short time the link should then be re-established and video/audio function should resume normal operation
- Note: If the above process does not work, repeat as it may take several attempts to re-establish the link
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- My VTech video monitor screen switches off automatically?
- Check the Sound Activation/Sleep Timer/Auto Wake Up and/or LCD screen off timer settings on your VTech monitor. If switched to on and you do not want your screen to turn off automatically then change to off.
- If set to on and you do want to continue to utilise the Sound Activation/Sleep Timer/Auto Wake Up setting then ensure the Sensitivity setting is set to a level appropriate to your baby / environment. The lower the Sensitivity setting the louder the noise required to activate the baby unit microphone for transmission to the parent unit.
- If the Sensitivity setting is set too low you may find your baby making noise without it coming through on the parent unit (and re-activating the screen in the process). Adjust the Sensitivity setting accordingly.
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- My VTech video monitor does not detect noise from the baby unit?
- Check the Sensitivity setting of your monitor and ensure this is set to a level appropriate to your baby / environment. The lower the Sensitivity setting the louder the noise required to activate the baby unit microphone for transmission to the parent unit.
- If the Sensitivity setting is set too low you may find your baby making noise without it coming through on the parent unit. Adjust the Sensitivity setting accordingly.
- NOTE: The Sensitivity setting affecting whether your parent unit detects and plays sound from your baby unit is model dependent i.e. not all models utilise the Sensitivity setting in normal operation mode. See "My VTech video monitor plays noise from baby unit even when Sensitivity setting set to low?"
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- My VTech video monitor plays noise from baby unit even when Sensitivity setting set to low?
- The Sensitivity setting on some VTech baby monitors is only relevant to the Sound Activation/Sleep Timer/Auto Wake Up mode i.e. it does not affect the transmission of sound from baby unit to parent unit in normal operation mode.
- On the following models Sensitivity setting is only relevant to the Sound Activation/Sleep Timer/Auto Wake Up mode;
- BM3400, BM3600, BM3700, BM5100-BEAR, BM5100-OWL, BM5200, BM5300, BM5500, BM5500-OWL, BM5600, BM5700, RM5752, RM5762, RM5754HD, RM5764HD, RM7754HD, RM7764HD
- NOTE: During normal operation on these models i.e. with Sound Activation/Sleep Timer/Auto Wake Up mode not turned on, all sound detected at the baby unit will be transmitted to the parent unit.
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- The Sound Activation/Sleep Timer/Auto Wake Up setting on my VTech video monitor is not working?
- When you first turn the Sound Activation/Sleep Timer/Auto Wake Up setting on you may need to manually turn the screen off the first time (model dependent). After that the screen will turn on and off by itself based on sound detection / sensitivity settings.
- Check the Sensitivity setting of your monitor and ensure this is set to a level appropriate to your baby / environment. The lower the Sensitivity setting the louder the noise required to activate the baby unit microphone for transmission to the parent unit.
- If the Sensitivity setting is set too low you may find your baby making noise without it coming through on the parent unit (and re-activating the screen in the process). Adjust the Sensitivity setting accordingly.
- If the Sensitivity setting is set too high you may find your parent unit screen will not turn off automatically as the baby unit will detect all background sounds and keep the parent unit active. Adjust the Sensitivity setting accordingly.
- To test that the Sensitivity setting is set at a level appropriate to your baby / environment you can test each sensitivity level by playing sound e.g. from your mobile phone or sound device, until you are satisfied that the selection is suitable for your situation.
- NOTE: when playing lullabies/sounds on your baby unit, as these are detected by the baby unit microphone as noise, the Sound Activation/Sleep Timer/Auto Wake Up feature will not work i.e. the screen on parent unit will remain on.
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- The Sound Detection Alert feature is not working?
- When the Sound Detection Alert feature is turned on there are a couple of important things to note;
- 1) Sound detection is determined by the sensitivity setting - you need to adjust this to a level that suites your requirements. The higher the sensitivity setting the lower the sound required to trigger the sound alerts.
- 2) The sound detection alert feature only triggers once for each detected sound activity. If the sound detected is continuous, the sound alert does not continually repeat and the sound alert will only reset after a period of no sound being detected (approximately 60 seconds of no sound is required before the sound alert will reset then trigger again).
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- The Motion Detection Alerts on my VTech RM model baby monitor are not working?
- When this feature has been turned on via the parent unit menu (or via the app), the Motion Detection of your VTech RM model baby monitor relies on 2 key factors;
- 1) The camera of your VTech RM model baby monitor needs to be focussed towards the object/s from which you want it to detect motion.
- 2) The Motion Detection sensitivity is set to a level appropriate to the motion that is to be detected. The higher the sensitivty level setting the more sensitive the camera is to detecting motion i.e. small levels of motion will be detected.
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- How can I improve the video streaming between my parent unit and baby unit/s?
- 1) If your VTech baby monitor has an external antenna on the parent unit, ensure that the antenna is raised into the upright position.
- 2) Ensure that your baby unit/s (camera/s) are not connected to a power source with other electronic equipment.
- 3) For VTech RM WiFi enabled baby monitors also ensure the WiFi signal strength where the parent unit and baby unit/s is strong to ensure smooth video transmission.
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- My VTech baby monitor is emitting a "buzz/hum" from the parent unit speaker?
- In normal operation mode (not Sound Activation/Sleep Timer mode) the microphone on the baby unit and speaker on the parent unit are always on, ready for sound transmission. If the volume on the parent unit is set above approximately level 4 this may create a slight "buzz/hum" in the parent unit speaker. With normal day to day sounds occurring around the parent unit this should be unnoticeable however during quiet times it may become more noticeable. Simply turn the parent unit volume down during these times (this will not affect the sound transmission from the baby unit to parent unit).
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- Can I get audio in Split Screen mode on my VTech video monitor?
- On all BM2xxx, BM3xxx and BM4xxx video monitors audio is only heard in Single Cam or Patrol viewing modes.
- On models BM5500, BM5700, RM5752, RM5762, RM5754HD, RM5764HD, RM901HD, RM7754HD and RM7764HD - audio in split screen mode on parent unit;
- - for selected camera (has yellow outline around it) audio will come through to parent unit
- - there are also sound alerts for all cameras paired to the parent unit (even those that are not selected as above) - these appear as "Sound detected at CAM X" message across the top of the parent unit screen
- On models BM5100-BEAR, BM5100-OWL, BM5200, BM5300, BM5500-OWL and BM5600;
- - whilst there is no audio in split screen mode there is an audio alert in split screen mode feature. The audio alert is notified by way of a beep and an image of an ear with sound waves appears over the camera image where the sound was detected.
- - it may take up to 15 seconds for the sound alert to show on the parent unit after sound is detected at a baby unit
- - once a sound alert has occurred for a camera there is a cooling off period of approximately 60 seconds before a new sound alert for that camera will be shown
- NOTE: There is no audio in split screen mode on the MyVTech Baby HD app.
- NOTE: In patrol mode only audio from the camera appearing on the parent unit or app screen will be heard.
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- My VTech monitor is displaying the incorrect temperature?
- 1) The temperature sensor should be accurate to +/- 2 degrees. If the deviation is within +/- 2 degrees then it is normal.
- 2) In the case where the temperature sensor is via a flexible attachment to the rear of the camera ensure that the sensor cable is bent to a 90 degree angle away from the camera. This ensures the sensor is not detecting any heat given off from the camera itself.
- 3) Ensure the temperature sensor is not located too close to anything that may impact it's accuracy such as window, fan, air-conditioning outlet or heater.
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- There is a sound/image delay between parent unit and baby unit
- This may be perfectly normal. A delay of up to 5 seconds may be experienced in sound/image transmission between baby unit and parent unit.
- This usually occurs when the signal strength on either parent unit or baby unit is compromised - if the parent unit and baby unit are too far apart for smooth transmission, or if there are sources of interference between parent unit and baby unit interrupting transmission.
- Ensure the external antenna on parent unit is raised upright (where applicable) and the parent unit and baby unit are within strong transmission range of each other.
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- My VTech baby monitor feels warm?
- It is perfectly normal for both the parent unit and baby unit to feel warm when turned on as they have power running through them.
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- The baby unit (camera) on my VTech baby monitor makes a clicking sound?
- When the baby unit switches from day mode to night mode and back again it will emit a click sound as the infra-red (IR) on the camera switches on (for night mode) and off (for day mode).
- If there are changing light conditions where the baby unit is located, such as night lights or lamps being turned on and off, the switch between day and night modes will occur more frequently as the camera is constantly assessing the light conditions to determine which mode will deliver the best image to the parent unit.
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- How safe is my VTech product to use?
- All VTech baby monitors operate using very low levels of Radio Frequency (RF) power. They do not create any dangerous outputs and are safe to use.
- Note: The baby unit should always be located more than 1 metre away from baby. Never place or mount the baby unit on or inside the baby's cot, crib or playpen. Keep the baby unit out of reach of baby at all times.
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- What is the warranty period for VTech products?
- VTech cordless phones have a 3 year manufacturers warranty.
- VTech baby monitors have a 2 year manufacturers warranty.
- VTech corded phones have a 1 year manufacturers warranty.
- VTech new accessories have a 1 year manufacturers warranty.
- All Refurbished accessories have a 3 month warranty.
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- VTech Cam Remote Access Announcement - VM9900 / VC990 / VC980
- Dear Loyal Customer,
- VTech products and services continually advance and evolve to meet global demands and to offer you the best features. In order to maintain industry-leading standards on our products we regularly release firmware updates that keep the products updated and you protected.
- We would like to advise you that we can no longer support the firmware updates on our first-generation remote Baby Monitors and Wireless Monitoring models listed below and will discontinue the remote monitoring services and support from 1st June 2022.
- VM9900
- VC990
- VC980
- From 1st June 2022, your VM9900 will continue to operate as a local monitor, however, the VTech Cam Remote Access app, push notifications, and related services will no longer function.
- We want to ensure that you continue to be able to use all of the product features and services and would therefore like to give you the option of replacing your current Baby Monitor with a new model. Please contact VTech TecHelp on 1300 369 193 to discuss the replacement option for your product.
- We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause and encourage you to contact the VTech customer support team if you have any questions.
- Thank You, The VTech Team
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